Tuesday, 10 April
- Omer Levy and Yoav Goldberg. 2014. Dependency-based word embeddings. In proceedings of ACL 2014.
- Manaal Faruqui, Jesse Dodge, Sujay K. Jauhar, Chris Dyer, Eduard Hovy and Noah A. Smith. 2015. Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons. In Proceedings of NAACL 2015.
- Douwe Kiela, Felix Hill and Stephen Clark. 2015. Specializing Word Embeddings for Similarity or Relatedness. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2015.
Wednesday, 11 April
- Richard Socher, Brody Huval, Christopher D. Manning and Andrew Y. Ng. 2012. Semantic Compositionality through Recursive Matrix-Vector Spaces. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2012.
- Karl Moritz Hermann and Phil Blunsom. 2014. Multilingual Models for Compositional Distributed Semantics. In Proceedings of ACL 2014.
- Jocelyn Coulmance, Jean-Marc Marty, Guillaume Wenzek and Amine Benhalloum. 2015. Trans-gram, Fast Cross-lingual Word-embeddings. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2015.
Tuesday, 24 April
- Srivastava and Sutton. 2017. Autoencoding Variational Inference for Topic Models. In ICLR 2017.
- Kocisky et al. 2016. Semantic Parsing with Semi-Supervised Sequential Autoencoders. In EMNLP 2016.
Wednesday, 25 April
- Bowman et al. 2016. Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space. In CoNLL 2016.
- Zhang et al. 2016. Variational Neural Machine Translation. In EMNLP 2016.
Tuesday, 15 May
- Kim et al. 2017. Structured Attention Networks
- Choi et al. 2017. Learning to Compose Task-Specific Tree Structures
Wednesday, 16 May
- Maillard et al. 2017. Jointly Learning Sentence Embeddings and Syntax with Unsupervised Tree-LSTMs
- Yogamata et al. 2016. Learning to Compose Words into Sentences with Reinforcement Learning